Saree trends that are becoming fashion statement in 2022 - Glamwiz India

Saree trends that are becoming fashion statement in 2022

2022 Saree fashion is already blooming and we can see so many celebs styling sarees differently in their wedding or other occasions. So here we are sharing some trending saree pieces that you should have in your wardrobe.
February 05, 2022 — Saloni Goel
Celebrity Saree Trends 2021 - Glamwiz India

Celebrity Saree Trends 2021

Celebrities are the ones who sets the trends for us and here we are sharing the saree trends that has gone viral because of the B-town celebs.
February 05, 2022 — Saloni Goel
How Hollywood Celebrities made Sarees a Global Fashion - Glamwiz India

How Hollywood Celebrities made Sarees a Global Fashion

With the emergence of Indian designers in the International market, the Indian sarees are worn by the celebrities in Hollywood as well that too with love.
February 05, 2022 — Saloni Goel